Freebies Hunt

YouTube Channels

Includes a list of YouTube channels on various topics that I personally watch out for.

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  • 3Blue1Brown

    A YouTube channel that focuses on teaching mathematics intuitively by including animations.

  • 8-bit Music Theory

    A YouTube channel that focuses on video game music from dynamic music similar to Banjo Kazooie's (or A Hat in Time, if you want a modern example) varying version of the stage theme to video game music with odd time signatures.

  • Coding Tech

    Includes tech talks and discussions.

    Personal comment:

    This could be handy for a sudden random tech learning.

  • Crash Course

    A YouTube channel that specializes in introducing you to a lot of concepts and subjects such as computers, sciences, and computer science.

    Personal comment:

    Recommended for introducing to the slightly deep topics of different fields.

  • Eddie Woo

    A YouTube channel led by the titular mathematics teacher who produces online content for mathematics, mainly on pre-calculus topics.

    Personal comment:

    Recommended for pre-calculus concepts. Pair that up with Professor Leonard (another of my personal recommendations) and you have a pair of YouTube channels that teaches high school mathematics for you.

  • freeCodeCamp

    freeCodeCamp's official YouTube channel. Its content varies from tutorials from other developers to a whole course series (in fact, CS50 made it as one of them). You could also view some of their content from their freeCodeCamp Talks channel.

    Personal comment:

    Since the amount of content in this channel is gigantic and most of them came from third-party developers, it's a good idea to use this as a browser of referential videos.

  • Fun Fun Function

    Your metaphorical caffeine every Monday. A YouTube channel hosted by @mpjme that focuses on various developer-related concepts.

    Personal comment:

    An entertaining developer, a plus for me.

  • Game Maker's Toolkit

    Focuses on anything that is game design and development. Gives you insight on how Half Life teaches without a tutorial, how Megaman 11's level design does more with less, and the how does a particular level has been designed.

  • GreatScott!

    A YouTube channel of electronic projects how-tos and tutorials.

  • javidx9

    Also known as the One Lone Coder. He provides content for programming presenting it as a fun, silly, and odd thing to do.

  • Khan Academy

    Videos on various academic topics from mathematics, electronics, to economics and politics.

  • LGR

    A YouTube channel that has a focus on retro computing though it does have a bit of a variety of content from game reviews to thrift store trips.


    Includes content on creating weird inventions and other stuff by a musician and inventor: a fart box, a synth that plays on a bike, a DIY envelope generator, and much more.

  • LowSpecGamer

    A YouTube channel introducing you how to play modern/high-end video games with low-end computers and configurations.

    Personal comment:

    As someone with a low-end computer myself, I really appreciate this channel. Pushing the limits of low-end hardware by forcing it to play modern games as smoothly as possible, no matter how it'll look like — it's ridiculously funny.

  • Majorprep

    Mainly creates content for preparing you to choose a major to be taken in college. Includes introductory videos for various majors such as mathematics, engineering, and physics. Also includes some student productivity and learning advices, as well.

  • patrickJMT

    Focuses on mathematicLs so if you want to learn math through YouTube, here is one channel that specializes on it.

  • Professor Dave Explains

    A YouTube channel of a teacher who produces content on various academic topics including mathematics, sciences, and history.

  • Professor Leonard

    A YouTube channel that focuses on giving topics on calculus.

    Personal comment:

    Recommended for calculus stuff, also pair this one with Eddie Woo and you got a pair of YouTube channels to teach you the high school math.

  • The Coding Train

    A programming YouTube channel mainly hosted by Dan Shiffman that focuses on mathematical and creative coding.

    Personal comment:

    Recommend it a lot! Dan Shiffman is not only a good instructor but a very entertaining one, too! 🤗

  • Travesty Media

    Focuses on creating simple and easy-to-follow web development and programming content.

    Personal comment:

    A very good starting point on web development.

  • Vsauce

    It's a YouTube channel led by Michael Stevens that focuses on the knowledge. Any type of knowledge and nerd-labelled stuff, really.

    Personal comment:

    Need to say more?

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What is Freebies Hunt?

Freebies Hunt is a programmer-oriented and a personal resource list gathered by @foo-dogsquared after having a stroke with open content enthusiasm. This'll help you in finding quality free (and open source) resources to get started doing on your projects (or learnings).

Freebies Hunt is also an open source website which you can see the source code for it right here. Of course, feedbacks and contributions are welcome! 🤗

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